Award-winning quality

Ipsum, sed, odio, fugit, dolores atque sint odit doloremque expedita architecto commodi quas eum voluptas autem reprehenderit molestiae sunt cumque pariatur iure quod veritatis molestias quis facere eaque aliquid porro officia debitis accusamus eligendi itaque doloribus!

The Wall Street Journal Review

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"Even the most baffled detective may take heart from Sherlock Holmes's sage pronouncement in "The Adventure of the Red-Headed League" (1891): "As a rule, the more bizarre a thing is, the less mysterious it proves to be." The 1937 triple homicide of Veronica Gedeon, an attractive model who posed for artists and crime magazines; her mother; and an English boarder at their Beekman Place apartment on Manhattan's East Side luridly demonstrates Holmes's wisdom.

New Yorker "Briefly Noted" review

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"This history revives a tabloid sensation of 1937, when a mother and daughter were found strangled in their Manhattan apartment. The fact that the daughter was a twenty-year-old nude model who left behind a "seemingly endless stream of boyfriends" made the case, as Schechter writes, a "perfect storm of prurience." The killer turned out to be sculptor, taxidermist, and failed seminarian who had spent his adult life in and out of mental institutions.